What’s Hot in Japan: Furano and Asahikawa

What’s Hot in Japan: An Introduction What’s Hot in Japan: Onboard the SQ A380 SIN-NRT What’s Hot in Japan: ANA Pokemon Jet to Sapporo Chitose What’s Hot in Japan: Cross Hotel Sapporo What’s Hot in Japan: Furano and Asahikawa What’s … Continue reading What’s Hot in Japan: Furano and Asahikawa

Monumental First’s in the First Decade of the Millenia

Life has been full of up’s and down’s, and looking back at the first decade of the 2nd millenia, there just have been a list of monumental firsts, some filling my life with joy and others with disappointment and sadness. But then life goes on for me and the rest of us, and while the following lists serves as some of the groundbreaking moments in my life (not in chronological order) thus far that happened during the last decade: First visit to Walt Disney World: Great Fun for the whole family and unforgettable experience overall! Entering College and Getting Used … Continue reading Monumental First’s in the First Decade of the Millenia

Summer Roadtrip Day 9: Drumheller and the Royal Tyrrell Museum

Calgary’s biggest tourist attraction is actually the Calgary Stampede, considered as one of the most popular tourist attractions! The stampede is to Calgary what Formula One is to Monaco. With the stampede held in July when I might already left Canada, seeing it is to be saved for the next visit. Some other well known tourist attractions includes the Olympic Park and the site of the Winter Olympic Games in 1988. Another famous tourist attraction in the area is the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaentology which houses the largest collection of dinosaur fossils in the world. The drawback of visiting … Continue reading Summer Roadtrip Day 9: Drumheller and the Royal Tyrrell Museum

Summer Roadtrip Day 8: Banff to Calgary

With my last night in the Rockies, I woke up with mixed feelings as it was really difficult to leave such beautiful surroundings! On the other hand, heading to be Calgary would be fun, having been bred up in the city where there are more amenities and fun to be had! Before we left Banff though, we went on to order room service once again for breakfast and I had good Eggs Benedict this time round while the other orders were more or less the same as that in Lake Louise. After breakfast, I handled the check out and we … Continue reading Summer Roadtrip Day 8: Banff to Calgary